Alot of planning, negotiations, committment, patience, and experience went into getting this shipment up and running. To understand the politics between countries when trying to export or import any animal, is difficult for people not in this business to understand. What seems normal and common sense to us, always seem to create a wall when talking or negotiatimng between governments, and at the end of the day, either Government can say Yes or No. So careful, planning, studying each countries requirements, and working out a way where we can meet these requirements and then get the countries Biosecurity departments to talk. Taking over 5 months of negotiations, was really fast, as to each country, exporting a small group of alpacas, was not high on their priority list.
Especially in Australia, the Alpaca in Industry is the sioze of a speck in the sand compared to the cattle, sheep and pig export trade, Alpacas seemed so insignificant.
15 Alpacas, compareed to 100,000's cattle and sheep. Why would they give the time to help put this together.
It seemed an uphill battle many times, but Raelene knew that some of these alpacas had already been purchased, and we had to get this into high priority.
Raelene requested a meeting with AQIS and Biosecurity, In Canberra, and travelled up to have these meetings, which each meeting ended up lasting 3 hours each, until, the governments would promise her they would put this high on their priority list.
Raelene (AQIS Accredited Exporter for Camelids, Sheep & Goats), has exported alpacas now in in the sixth year of exporting and owner operating Mariah Hill Alpacas Quarantine Facility, in Nar Nar goon, with over 1000 alpacas having been exported to UK, Ireland, Scotland, Italy, Germany, switzerland, Finland, Norway, Belgium, France, Holland, (through the Eu gateway), and New Zealand. Gaining a reputation for our export managment and High Biosecurity, and experience in over 50 shipments, Owning. operator of what is considered by Canberra as Australia's 5 star quarantine facility for Alpacas, gave Raelene a chance to even be heard by these usually closed Government authorities.
Raelene had also been working with both Australian Departments, on assistance with the Eu, and so is also respected by the heads of these Government authorities.
Meanwhile, midway through the first shipment, it was realised that an Envirmental assessment for each shipment of alpacas is required for Canada, which took a further 6 weeks to work successfully through, by Tannis of Hummzinger Alpacas,
Again, the committment was on both sides of the Pacific Ocean, In Australia and in Canada.
With Tannis Froese, and Raelene Strong, in almost daily communication, assisting each other with both governments, and meeting any requirements they requested.
The shipment being held up because of this enviromental assessment was back on track, and now we are seeing final days, as we are now planning our land transport to the airport.
Crates are built and delivered.
Paperwork has been finalised, hs been checked and re checked, and list of what is needed for the export has been listed and checked and re checked.
Meanwhile, Tannis has built a quarantine facility in Winnepeg Beach, Manitoba, and also had a huge float, sounds like a floating palace, all heated, to pick the alpacas up on Wednesday 28th January.
All excitment all round.
I think once Rob, Raelene and Elyse drops the alpacas off at the airport, we will sit down and have a glass of wine to celebrate, what at the beginning was a monamentous achievement, that Raelene was originally told...."Cannot DO".
Why are the alpacas being sought from Australia
world wide? With the exerience and the research for Australia's woolen industry, some of the aspects of breeding are being tapped into when selecting for herdsires, and dams, reconising the traits desired that tap into the qualities that we are acheiving. With the ultimate aim of breeding Ultra and Super Fine fleeces, without sacrificing denisty, crimp, staples, and all the other traits that is required for Elite fleeces.
Already the second shipment is under way with special requirements to be met for every shipment. If you need to find out these requirements an d you are interested in importing some alpacas for your own herd, please ontct Raelene, as these requirements are not published, but must be met.
some information is on my website, look under Canadian shipment.
Congratulations for those who have purchased in the first shipment, and i hope these alpacas will breed the genetics you are aiming for.
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