Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mariah Hill Alpacas & Exports: Quarantine extensions

Mariah Hill Alpacas & Exports: Quarantine extensions


Knapper Alpakka said...

I didn't know you had exported to Norway already?

Alpacarae said...

Yes, we were told the first alpacas in Norway came via our quarantine facility.
In fact 90% of the alpacas exported overseas from all over Australia over the past 8 years through our quarantine. We are the largest exporters of alpacas in Australia, and our quarantine facility is considered the best for alpacas in the Australia. We also have been used by Australia, & New Zealand to assist them with their Importing/exporting protocols.

Knapper Alpakka said...

So you have a quarantine station in Chile? Thats where the first alpacas to Norway came from. Unless you are talking about the first from NZ or Australia?

Alpacarae said...

WE were told they were the first to go to Norway, if that is from Australia, so be it.
have a nice day