This male you can take everywhere.
He is our stud male, and he is a dream to handle.
ALthough he always plays hard to get in the paddock.
He plays games with you, and they are so hard to catch if they get into that mood.
But as you can see, he just loves going out for walks, and he is just so adorable, and loves people blowing kisses, cuddling and just loves the Public.
Personalities i think is an important trait that is inheritable.
All his crias, and our other stud males are the same, they are just so gentle, and almost like humans.
We always get comments on how friendly and relaxed the progeny of our males are.
On the other hand i have heard of others comment at a show that the personality of a particular animal is horrible, just like his sire.
So this is a trait sometimes forgotten, although not one high on the list of desired traits, i feel it is still important, as one of the great assets of owning alpacas, is that they are very easy and safe to handle.
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