fibredensitywe have been in the alpaca industry for 18 years.
since the beginning, everyone has been looking for any information on how to improve their reeding, and in stead of hit and run with their breeding dcisions, to have a more accurate estimation of what the offspring will be like in the next generation.
There has never been an easy answer, until now.
Both ROb and i have always been different to everybody else, we have not followed the show ring with our breeding dicisions.
Our results are outstanding, we have had excellent males to work with.
But through a cencentrated effort we can see how the fleece devolps from generation to generation with controlled breeding, with never a change in the styles of fleece.
each step along the way the changes are the same, working with a large herd. originally with all grades of quality dams we have worked with.
It is fantastic now we have this tool.