We wake up pretty early in the morning, approx 5.30am, we have rented the rooms at a lovely motel for 5 days, It took us 9 hours drive to get to Canberra, a long drive, as most of it has been in the dark, as i had so much work to complete before i left, that i did not finish my work until 2 om.
We were planning on leaving at 9am, it has been such a long day. So by the time we unloaded the vans and trailers, it was past midnight.
Rob followed us up, as we had to pick up a boy for the next quarantine. All the packing of the show gear into the trailer, was left up to Elyse.
The grooming and halter training of the alpacas was also left to Elyse.
Rob had to clean the quarantines and prepare the feed for the next day, as my other children (adult kids), were feeding and checking on the alpacas for me, whilst Rob was gone the 24 hrs.
Also finishing the alteratio
ns that needed at the quarantine facility, which took Rob hours as well.
We lead very busy lives, and there is not one second of the day that is not taken up with the alpacas in one way or the other.
We get up and have a very quick morning drink, whilst we get ready to go to the showgrounds.
It is literly 5 mins away which is really handy.
My car is starting to play up, which is really odd, as this car has been fantastic.
As usual over night with all the alpacas in the shed, the condensation from the steel roofing, and the alpacas breathing, the alpacas are very damp in the mornings.
Some worse than others.
it seems the finer the fleeces, the more these fleeces seem to soak up the moisture.
So the idea is to get the alpacas out in the freash air, pray for a little wind, and sunshine, which we were out of luck.
We take them for a walk, and as they relax and enjoy the walk, hopefully with the aid of the breeze, their fleeces start to dry off.
You really do pray for sunshine, as the moisture takes away the density they would normally feel, and nothing like sunshine to do this.
It is zero degrees, and so, so cold, i tralk them for a walk for about an hour, and then i hook them along a fence line, so they can just relax and enjoy the outdoors.
It seems to be getting colder, and after another 1 hour, i take them in.
Meanwhile, our friends, Jenny and Graham come, and Graham, cleans out our pen, he is such a nice guy.
Jenny and i walk a little longer, whilst the pens are cleaned out.
Then we go in and have a coffee and a hot chocolate.
Then it is a day of showing.
Usually many breeders network on these occassions, and we also catch up with old friends, ones we only see at major shows.
It is wuite a good tme, and this goes on for 3 days of showing.
They are long days, usually packing up anything after 8pm -9pm of night, and early morning as well.
On the last day, there was a general meeting, and junior judging, then the auction animals are paraded around.
Some of the videos for this is on my you tube, link below.
a very tiresome time.