Friday, October 17, 2008

hair cuts

We have to trim the Canadian alpacas up, before they fly out.
It was too cold to shear here, and they need some fleece to come off, for when they fly.
Although they can fly in full fleece, as most of these alpacas come from NSW, where they shear earlier in the year than we do in victoria.
Their weather is a lot hotter than we have. They have more than 12 months growth on them currently.
But we cannot shear them to low to the skin, as they will arrive in a canadian winter, which i am told is very, very cold. In the minus, so the Canadians leave their legs, and underbelly on as that keeps those parts which is closest to the snow, when kushing, warm.
So we have tried a happy balance.
It takes on average 4 hours to trim up an alpaca, and you get heaps of blisters from the scissors.
My blisters are finally healing, so if we get time to day we will tackle a couple more of the alpacas.
The bigger alpaca is Mantra.
and the other two photos are of Star Dynasty.
It may look like a rough heairt do, but we will neaten it up before they go.
we just have 10 more to clip up, these will be the hard ones, as they are older females.

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